澳洲八大名校 都有哪些受CPA Australia 认证的课程?
澳洲注册会计师协会(Certified Public Accountant Australia, 简称CPA Australia或CPAA)是澳洲移民部指定的会计职业移民评估机构,对于想要通过会计专业移民的学生,毋庸置疑选择CPA认证的会计课程对申请人通过会计移民职业评估是非常有利的一个保障(但注意这并不意味着非认证课程就一定不能通过评估),所以这里就澳洲八大目前的受CPA认证的课程给大家做一个小结(信息来源CPA Australia官网)。
悉尼大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Commerce and combined degrees (except Law)
Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Economics and combined degrees (except Law)
Master of Commerce
Master of Professional Accounting
澳洲国立大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:
Bachelor of Accounting (including combined degrees except Law)
Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Commerce (and combined degrees)
Bachelor of Economics (and combined degrees)
Bachelor of Finance (and combined degrees)
Master of Accounting
Master of Professional Accounting
墨尔本大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:
Bachelor of Commerce ( and combined degrees)
Master of Management(accounting)
新南威尔士大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Commerce or Economics or Actuarial Studies and dual degrees(except Law)
Bachelor of Taxation
Master of Professional Accounting(13 units) or Master of Professional Accounting(EXT)(17 units)
昆士兰大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
Master of Commerce
Master of Commerce (Advanced)
莫纳什大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:
Bachelor of Accounting(including combined degrees except Law)
Bachelor of Business(including combined degrees except Law)
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business and Commerce
Bachelor of Business and Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
Bachelor of Commerce(including combined degrees except Law)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Economics(including combined degrees except Law)
Graduate diploma in Accounting
Master of Professional Accounting (advanced)
Master of Professional Accounting (including combined degrees)
阿德莱德大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:
Bachelor of Commerce ( and combined degrees)
Bachelor of Commerce( and combined degrees)
Bachelor of Economics( and combined degrees)
Bachelor of Finance( and combined degrees)
Master of Accounting and Finance
Master of Accounting and Marketing
Master of Professional Accounting
西澳大学目前被CPA Australia 认证的课程有:
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws
Master of Professional Accounting
Master of Professional Accounting(advanced)